

At Veryan School we work hard to ensure all our children have access to a maths mastery approach that enables good progress from Early years through to year 6. To help embed this mastery approach we use the White Rose scheme of learning and resources to teach mathematics.

White Rose offers the opportunity for children to work as a whole-class and we structure this as Early Years, Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6. This allows for links to be made in the learning and children to work through the topics as a class. Learning is broken down into small steps which allow children to move forward together and build on links and relationships between Maths concepts. At the heart of White Rose is the belief that everyone can do Maths. White Rose are building a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress and this is a culture that we want to develop and embed in our learners.

How can I help my child at home?
Please see (right) our calculation policies which show how to represent a concept using the 'Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract' approach and our key vocabulary lists. Our class teachers will also be happy to explain this further and help you in supporting your child's school work at home.
At Veryan, School we also subscribe to 'Sumdog' https://pages.sumdog.com/  and Times Table Rockstars and each of our pupils have their own unique login to work both in school and at home on the programme to support in their development of knowledge and fluency in Maths.
We are very lucky at Veryan to be working with the NCETM, we are currently in the sustaining phase of the Teaching for Mastery work group and have recently begun the Mastering Number programme to support us in ensuring each and every child has access to high quality foundations in Maths.