‘The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.’
— Cornwall Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, 2020 —
As a Church of England Primary School , we believe it is our duty to children to provide them with a rich and diverse curriculum that gives them the opportunity to learn about people, their beliefs and the broad range of religions that exist in the world. We aim to cover a diverse range of topics, giving children a good foundation of religious knowledge that they can use to inform their decision making and help to guide them in their daily lives. We explore spirituality within our religious curriculum and aim to shine a light on other religious faiths in order to foster respect and curiosity for the diversity of religious and spiritual perspectives.
If you feel you can contribute in any way to enriching the RE curriculum at Veryan please get in touch and ask to speak to Miss Goodall.