Every year at Veryan, new School Council members are elected democratically. Children from each year meet on a regular basis to discuss any current school issues that arise. Here the children have the opportunity to make decisions and vote on school based activities.
So far the School Council have discussed the idea of lunchtime clubs to help those children that may find play times challenging or need a bit more support in school, this is to be carried forward to their next meeting.
The council also debated and produced their code of conduct:
- Listen to each other
- Be good friends and buddies
- Ask the people you represent what they want
- Do your best
They have their own emblem to incorporate what they represent. The picture above has images to show:
Children - building friendships
Veryan Roundhouses - being part of a wider community
Mount Everest - we persevere and never give up
Thumbs up - we have a positive attitude and outlook